Clown World (media.scored.co)
posted ago by BuckeyePatr1ot ago by BuckeyePatr1ot
Accurate (media.scored.co)
posted ago by BuckeyePatr1ot ago by BuckeyePatr1ot

It's well understood that not ALL open source is controlled. But IMO the bigger open source projects that get funding are all or mostly Jewish.

For example, meet Richard Stallman, a highly influential figure in the open source project of Linux. Who was he? Nothing but an ordinary Jewish pedophile who defended Jeffery Epstein and promoted pedophelia.

Richard Stallman was also the mentor of Bradley M. Kuhn who funded another "Open Source" game engine called Godot through a Brooklyn Jewish fund called Software Freedom Conservancy.

I mention how game engine Godot is also Jewish because from my earlier research on Robert Maxwell, I found out that they were trying to control the gaming industry early on with his son Kevin by trying to buy up games like Tetris.

In short, anything that is big is also controlled by them even if it's offered as a "free, freedom loving alternative".

posted ago by dukey ago by dukey
Prisis (media.scored.co)
posted ago by WeimerSolutions ago by WeimerSolutions

What to see how deep the JFK conspiracy goes? Want to know the identity of one of the many collaborators? Want to see the kind of reward you get for helping to cover up deep state crimes?

Okay, here is one hiding in plain sight:

Dan Rather.

You know, that guy that was the face of the nightly news for decades?

He made his entire career by being a deliberate part of the JFK assasination coverup.

Dan Rather rose to national prominence to become the face of CBS 'news'. Its senior anchor.

But the entire career of Dan Rather depends on one thing. He planted the lie of the lone gunman for the JFK assassination.

Rather was picked up to be the reporter with the best access in Dallas during the JFK assasination. I must say I am speculating, but I have a lot of proof. He was selected before the assasination.

He needed to confirm for the world that there was a lone gunman. He needed to be trusted by the audience so that they would never seriously investigate the events that ended up murdering JFK.

He set the on the ground narrative. But, most importantly, he was basically the only, only reporter allowed to see the Zapruder film.

And his report to the nation was a complete lie. He said that he saw the last shot hit him directly from behind, sending his body moving violently 'forward.'

The Zapruder film shows the exact opposite. He is hit from the front and thrown to his left.

He lied and lied deliberately.

Here is the Zapruder film that he 'saw'


Here is his on air report.


What you can see is a deliberate lie, intentionally implanted into the audience of a traumatized nation that closes their minds to accept a planned lie. Oswald, The Texas Book Depository. All of it.

This little Mocking Bird 'journalist' then is raised to the highest levels of the media. A liar becomes the face of 'trustest news.'

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